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Welcome to UA Local Union No. 172

Local 172 Plumbers and Pipefitters Technicians are involved in just about every aspect of construction in the South Bend/Mishawaka and Northen Indiana area involving piping in commercial, industrial and residential projects.

When contractors and owners hire craftspeople who are members of Local 172, we make one promise: You are hiring the most highly skilled and best trained plumber, pipefitter or refrigeration expert in the business. That's why we can say with confidence---We Do it Right the First Time!


If you're building a new or upgrading your current industrial, commercial, or residential facility, build and service with the Plumbers and Pipefitters of Local 172 by utilizing one of our Signatory Contractors.


Our plumbers "Protect the Health of the Nation" and the highly skilled members of Local 172 are no different. We specialize in both commercial and residential work, and also in back-flow and dye testing.


We encourage you to peruse our website to learn more About Us. We want you to contact us and we can send a member of our team to evaluate your upcoming project, and what separates us from everyone else is our skill and training. Our apprentices go through a rigorous 5-year program on their way to becoming experience journeymen, but the training doesn't end there. We continue to provide upgrade training so that there is no project too complex or small that we cannot fulfill on-time and budget for you!


Contact Us today to learn how you can employ our highly skilled workforce or to become a member of Local 172!

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About the UA

The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada or "UA" as it is commonly known is a multi-craft union whose members are engaged in the fabrication, installation and servicing of piping systems. There are approximately 326,000 highly-skilled United Association members who belong to over 300 individual local unions across North America.


Founded in 1889, the United Association is one of the most respected and influential building trades unions in the U.S. and Canada today. It serves as a collective voice for workers through negotiation and collective bargaining with employing contractor groups, such as the Mechanical Contractors Association of America, and the National Association of Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors. The UA is also a key member of the Building and Construction Trades Department, the AFL-CIO, and the Canadian Federation of Labor.


The United Association has been training qualified pipe tradesmen longer than anyone else in the industry. The UA boasts the premier training programs available in the industry today, including five-year apprenticeship programs, extensive journeyman training organized instructor training, and certification programs.


Two Nations, One Union


The bonds of brotherhood recognize no political or geographic boundaries when it comes to United Association membership. Ours is truly an international organization with more than 35,000 UA brothers and sisters located in Canada. Working with the same pride and determination as their fellow members in the U.S., our Canadian brothers and sisters continue to demonstrate the high degree of quality craftmanship necessary to construct the homes, schools, office buildings, refineries, power plants and industrial facilities necessary to a strong and vibrant national economy. At the same time, our fellow members north of the border play an important role in helping to maintain and promote United Association solidarity as we join together to reap the benefits of unionism and pride in our united cause.


How Does The United Association Operate?


The United Association is led by a group of General Officers who are elected by the delegates at a convention held every five years. Members who attend these conventions as delegates are elected by their fellow members at the local union level.


The General Office has many departments and functions, including Jurisdiction, Organizing, Training, Legislative and Safety. Each General Officer pledges to uphold the United Association constitution and to protect the interest and welfare of all members.



UA Local Unions


UA Members





Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union 172

Contact Us

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Plumbing Exam Board

John Jurgonski
Geoff Paluzzi
Josh Edholm

Refrigeration Exam Board

Broc Buczolich
Randy Smith
Richard Whiteman

Health & Welfare/Pension

Union Trustees

Broc Buczolich
Tim Freet
Kurt Meade, Alternate

401k Union Trustees

Keith Keppler
Geoff Paluzzi

Local 172 Officers and Committees

Business Manager

Broc Buczolich

Business Agent

Ira Fox

Administrative Staff

Julie Markiewicz
Ashlan Smith
Emily Hicks , JATC Secretary


Jeremy Lucas

Vice President

Mark Fackson

Financial Secretary

Rashad Turner


Keith Keppler

Inside Guard

James Skalla

Executive Board

Steve Beitler
Jeff Hinkle
Ryan Romig
Mike Stevens

Finance Committee

Timothy Freet
Jeff Hicks
Kevin Marriott

Pipefitting Exam Board

Doug Beckwith
Rashad Turner
Billy Rowe

Building/Land Trust Committee

Brian Braunsdorf
Ryan Romig
Jeff Hinkle

Health & Welfare/Pension

Management Trustees

David Niezgodski, Chairman
Kevin Conery
Matt Meert

401k Management Trustees

Kevin Kozlowski
Dave Siddall

© 2022 All Rights Reserved. Local Union 172, South Bend IN

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