The Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 172 was chartered on June 1, 1899 in to the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada.
Local 172 consist of the ALL of the following counties: St. Joseph, Marshall, Starke, Cass, Pulaski, Fulton in Indiana: All of the territory North of Highway #218 (located at Bunker Hill, highway runs East and West across the County) in Miami County; the territory from the North side of the city of Rensselaer, South in Jasper County - the City of Laporte in Laporte County, Indiana. Area also includes Cass County, Michigan and the city of Niles and vicinity in Berrien County, Michigan. Local 172 in partnership with The Mechanical Contractors Association of Indiana train skilled craftsmen in the Plumbing, Pipefitting, and HVAC Technician fields. For over 100 years, thru Local 172's Apprenticeship and Journeymen training we have continued to be an Industry leader in training for our community.
The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada have approximately 340,000 skilled members who belong to 418 local unions across North America

The Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 172 was chartered on June 1, 1899 in to the United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada.
Local 172 consist of the ALL of the following counties: St. Joseph, Marshall, Starke, Cass, Pulaski, Fulton in Indiana: All of the territory North of Highway #218 (located at Bunker Hill, highway runs East and West across the County) in Miami County; the territory from the North side of the city of Rensselaer, South in Jasper County - the City of Laporte in Laporte County, Indiana. Area also includes Cass County, Michigan and the city of Niles and vicinity in Berrien County, Michigan. Local 172 in partnership with The Mechanical Contractors Association of Indiana train skilled craftsmen in the Plumbing, Pipefitting, and HVAC Technician fields. For over 100 years, thru Local 172's Apprenticeship and Journeymen training we have continued to be an Industry leader in training for our community.
The United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry of the United States and Canada have approximately 340,000 skilled members who belong to 418 local unions across North America

St. Joseph
The life blood of any organization is expanding the membership to facilitate growth. The same is true for the Indiana State Pipe Trades Association and it's member unions. The primary responsibility of our organizing department is the recruitment of non-union workers and contractors. In addition to that, we are dedicated to educating our members, unrepresented workers, non-union contractors and the general public pertaining to our member unions and their efforts to grow the market.
Through the state pipe trades, UA locals are now combining their efforts into one solid front dedicated to organizing the entire jurisdiction of the Indiana State Pipe Trades Association. This will have several results:
Increase job opportunities for current, and new, members and contractors.
Raise the standard for safety and training in the piping industry - ensuring a superior work product for end-users and the general public.
Provide the opportunity for workers to gain a voice in their workplace and earn higher wages and benefits.
Provide a highly-trained, skilled, safe, drug-free workforce for contractors and end-users.
We also work with our contractors, training directors, and union officers to coordinate marketing efforts and community outreach as well as advancing the skill and productivity of our work force to the benefit of our entire industry.
Through organizing, we also look to gain substantial market share in the residential, service, and light-commercial markets, to complement our current stronghold in the industrial and commercial sectors of our industry
What Have Unions Done for Us?
8-hour day 5-day work week
Health Insurance Good pensions
Higher wages Job security
Overtime pay Job safety
Family and medical leave
Fair treatment for women, people of color, and those with disabilities
Union members earn 28 percent more than nonunion workers. But stronger unions raise living standards and improve the quality of life for everyone. In the 10 states in which unions are the strongest, there is less poverty, higher household income, more education spending, and better public policy than in the 10 states where unions are weakest.
According to Human Rights Watch, the treatment of workers by employers and the failure of the US government to prevent it constitute a serious violation of human rights. Their report says, “Many workers…are spied on, harassed, pressured, threatened, suspended, fired, deported or otherwise victimized in reprisal for their exercise of the right to choose a union.”
The consequences have been devastation for all of American society. When collective bargaining is suppressed, wages lag, inequality and poverty grow, race and gender pay gaps widen, society’s safety net is strained and civic and political participation are undermined.
If where you work now does not have union representation, here are ten reasons why you need a union
Stability and Security: in this volatile economy, you may not know where your next job will be. As a skilled union member, your pay, benefits and working conditions are guaranteed; you carry them with you from job to job.
Health Insurance: employer provided by contract with low deductibles and co-pays and your coverage follows you from job to job.
Retirement Security: collectively bargained pensions you can count on. You accrue benefits on every job and the average union pension plan is worth twice as much as a non-union plan.
Access to the Best Jobs: you can work on high paying union construction jobs all over town and in other cities and states.
Reduced Safety Hazards: you’ll get more safety training and have avenues to address problems and access to proper equipment.
Training and Advancement: training is provided FREE by union contract. You can upgrade your skills and keep up with technological changes.
Respect and a Partnership at Work: union members have a partnership with employers and a say in decisions on the job. Your views and skills are respected and you have what you need to get the job done right – the first time.
The Same Set of Rules: union contracts emphasize equality and fair treatment. There is a written set of rules that applies to everyone on every job.
Help Build a Stronger Community: when you replace lower wage or temporary jobs with good union jobs, you boost local economies, lift living standards, strengthen the tax base and, in general, add to community development.
MAKE A LOT MORE MONEY: while wage rates vary, union construction workers on average make 41% more than non-union workers. And a fair but higher wage may mean less overtime and more time with family and friends.
If you or someone you know is interested in a career in the union pipe trades, please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have and we will be glad to help in any way we can.